Here's to a successful 2019!
 Have you ever set New Years resolutions, only to get frustrated or fail? You're in good company, most of us have!
Here's an alternative: Consider why you set each one & replace them with an "intention".  For example a resolution to "work out in the gym regularly" becomes an intention when you add".....because it will be fun to be able to get down easier on the floor & play with my grandkids.".  Another option is "I'm willing to go to the gym 2 or 3 times a week, so I can thoroughly enjoy my trip to France! I'll have the endurance to walk all day & visit the beautiful sights I want to see."

A common resolution is to say "I'm going to lose 15lbs." Instead add the reason(s) "... so I can fit into that expensive pair of jeans I feel great in!" or "… as I'm looking forward to tapering off those medicines my Dr. said I won't need when losing those extra pounds." See how different it is when you've included your why & how you will feel? I encourage you to state your intention(s) aloud daily, they are what carries your heart motivation & will keep you on track. 

 Do  set small specific attainable weekly or monthly goals, yet striving for perfection, if  the goals are unmet, will only put undue pressure on yourself & likely set you back. Keep your focus & words on your heart intention & before you know it, you'll make great progress, with little or no setbacks.  

Did you know Young Living offers various Essential Oils to help "lock in your intentions" deeper into your psyche? Many articles have been written, including  from, about how our Olfactory System (sense of smell) is the only sensory system that affects the Amygdala & Limbic System, our primary pathway to our emotions.  Our sense of smell has a powerful influence & can bring back long forgotten memories to instant recall!    Consider our wonderful blends of oils  like " Motivation", "Envision", "Transformation", "Valor" will help you move forward in a profound way! 

If you live in N. King or S. Snohomish counties, I'm offering a free 1/2 hour "intentions" lock in session, it will be fun & encouraging! You'll get to experience the Purity Difference of Young Living oils, through these great blends. Email me at or PM me on Facebook & lets get you on your way to your best year ever! 

PS If you'd like to understand more about intentions here's a couple of great articles.


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