There's a lot of men who've found we have wonderful products made just for them or that are less flowery.
Men like the way either our empowering "Shutran" line or our "Valor" line, makes them feel!
- Shutran comes in a full personal care line and as an Essential Oil.
- Valor comes in a bottle, Roll-on and/or Soap.
Other favorites are mostly directly from our outdoor tree farms:
A. Idaho Blue Spruce B. Northern lights Black Spruce C. Pine Oil
D. Our Stress Away bottle or handy Roll-on is like a tropical type blend.
You'll find these options to peruse here: Men's Gifts or daily use offerings
Keep in mind, our products outlast most any over the counter ones and the quality of our essential Oils are unmatched, why Young Living's 28 years the World Leader.
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Often, many of my clients have me help them order, simply send me a message from this site and I'll get a hold of you to answer your questions.