Here's the featured items, prices & a few other ideas:
* if you are not a member & desire to save 24% off your current & future purchases (similar but better than Costco) the Premium Starter Kit: With nearly 1,000 drops of 11 Essential Oils + extra items, is our best value , the ONLY 50% off retail purchase we offer for $160. For details, see https://www.youngliving.com_enUS/products/premium-starter-kit-with-dewdrop
Another option, is to order the Basic Starter Kit,$45,, then add your own gift products.
R=Retail, non-member price W= wholesale member price. 5ml bottles are about 85 drops, 15ml about 250 drops.
Value Alert: Our oils are known to be long lasting, due to their strength, which is why a little goes a long way.
Essential Oil for Him: Shutran (15ml $ R 101.64, W 77.25) Idaho Blue Spruce (5ml $ R 38.82, W 29.50)
For Her: Sensation (5ml $ R 45.07, W 34.25) , Ylang ,Ylang (15ml $ R 55.26, W 42.00) (Comes in a lotion & Massage Oil)
ART Beauty Mask (ingredients used for "Royalty", think Cleopatra & Queens of renown) 4 pack($ R 62.50 w 47.50)
Desert Mist Diffuser, a romantic way to use the oils in your bedroom ($ R 83.88, W 63.75)